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Testosterone Propionate

Testosterone Propionate is a short acting injectable ester based off of the parent androgenic hormone testosterone.
Dosage (Male): 500-1500mg per week
Dosage (Female): 25-75mg per week
Dosage Frequency: Every 3 days
Dosage Type: Intramuscular injection
Active Half-Life: Approximately 2 days


Product Information

What is Testosterone Propionate?

Fusion Testosterone Propionate is a short acting injectable ester based off of the parent androgenic hormone testosterone. Propionate has an androgenic to anabolic ratio of 100/100. It has moderate estrogenic activity and is low in progestational activity. The half-life is approximately 2 days and has a detection time of up to 3 weeks. Fusion Testosterone Propionate is available in a 10ml/100mg vial.

What does Testosterone Propionate do:

Testosterone propionate users can expect enhanced protein synthesis and nitrogen retention. IGF-1 output is increased as well as red blood cell count and hemoglobin. Glucocorticoid hormones are also inhibited to a degree causing a lowering of cortisol. These functional characteristics of propionate allow recovery ability to occur at an improved rate and recovery time is decreased. Body composition is affected positively as well.

Side Effects:
Cycling with propionate will cause suppression of the HPTA (hypothalamic pituitary gonadal axis) while on cycle and the time it takes for the half-life to clear the system. Aromatization is a possibility with any testosterone based steroid. The higher the dose the more potential for converting to estrogen through the process of aromatization. Mild to moderate water retention throughout the body may occur. There is potential for male pattern baldness for those predispositioned to it. Other potential sides are oily skin, increased facial/body hair growth and acne or gynecomastia for some. Females need to be aware of the possible virilization effects of testosterone. Some of which are voice alterations in tone, menstrual disruption and change in texture of skin. Testosterone propionate is not at risk for hepatotoxicity with the liver but with prolonged use can have a detrimental effect on lowering HDL cholesterol.

Reasons to take Testosterone Propionate:

Increased strength, increased lean mass and an improved recovery ability are the primary reasons users take testosterone propionate. Other characteristics such as power, speed and endurance are also improved. Users can also expect a ‘fuller’ feel and look to their muscles while enjoying a leaner disposition in composition.

How do you use Testosterone Propionate:

Testosterone propionate users can expect enhanced protein synthesis and nitrogen retention. IGF-1 output is increased as well as red blood cell count and hemoglobin. Glucocorticoid hormones are also inhibited to a degree causing a lowering of cortisol. These functional characteristics of propionate allow recovery ability to occur at an improved rate and recovery time is decreased. Body composition is affected positively as well.

Side Effects:
Cycling with propionate will cause suppression of the HPTA (hypothalamic pituitary gonadal axis) while on cycle and the time it takes for the half-life to clear the system. Aromatization is a possibility with any testosterone based steroid. The higher the dose the more potential for converting to estrogen through the process of aromatization. Mild to moderate water retention throughout the body may occur. There is potential for male pattern baldness for those predispositioned to it. Other potential sides are oily skin, increased facial/body hair growth and acne or gynecomastia for some. Females need to be aware of the possible virilization effects of testosterone. Some of which are voice alterations in tone, menstrual disruption and change in texture of skin. Testosterone propionate is not at risk for hepatotoxicity with the liver but with prolonged use can have a detrimental effect on lowering HDL cholesterol.


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